5 beautiful babies born
February 19, 2021
Reyah is a small compact blue and tan trindle. She may carry chocolate as well so hoping to get some lilacs from this breeding. She is such a sweet tempered girl. Shebisngoing to make a wonderful momma.
Lyle is a nice structured boy with nice bone, a big head and short muzzle. He is a solid lilac boy with no brindle. Lyle is only happy when he has a toy in his mouth. He is so sweet and loving and enjoys life to its fullest.
I believe these two are going to make some absolutely stunning babies.
Now if I could get either one to enjoy pictures!!
1st pick female | Best Friend Frenchies |
2nd pick female | Marilyn Nieves |
3rd pick female | Megan and Ashley |
1st pick male | Best Friend Frenchies |
2nd pick male | Jonathan Fordin |
3rd pick male | Cary and Renee |
Pet prices will be $3500-4500
Full akc price will be $5500-6500